Recently I've been inspired thanks to telling my loved ones how desperately I want to be an excellent painter, but I attempt without success. The loved ones are fantastic, and are usually excellent artists themselves, which allows me to be self-deprecating and complimentary simultaneously! Anyhow, I've finally gotten around to scanning the futile attempts at sketchbook things from this less than productive summer.
The End! I'm proceeding to eat my feelings, listen to show tunes, and fail at painting. See ya!
Thanks to valiantly quitting my internship and making a stand against the Book of Faces, I've recently come upon a massive amount of free time; not to say I'm doing anything admirable or remotely productive in this time, it's actually quite the opposite, which is disappointing isn't it?I want to tie dye everything, or make everything black. ...
Here are a few pictures from my recent vacation to New Orleans, which was absolutely incredible and southern and perfect, making me want to pack up and move there immediately, alas I am still in this whirlpool that is New York.